Brumback & Associates, Inc. - logo

The right choice for your next project, no matter the size.

We take pride in our work and stand behind it.

Champaign, IL

Residential Painting

Talk of the Town Winner

Upgrade your home with a new paint job.

Improve each room in your home with a fresh, revitalizing paint job from Brumback & Associates, Inc.

Interior painting

You're more than just another customer.

You will be treated like an individual, and your satisfaction will always be our top priority. Don't take our word for it - ask us for referrals and we will gladly provide you with some!

Reasonable rates. Premium quality. Guaranteed.

  • Interior and exterior painting
  • Deck refinishing
  • Garage floor coatings, including epoxies
  • New construction or renovation / remodeling

Call us today for a FREE estimate!


Interior painting

Get ideas for your room renovations with Better Homes and Gardens.

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